We provide a wide range of innovative agricultural insurance solutions.

Crop Insurance for large broadacre and cotton farms


At Agripro Insurance Brokers, we are the industry leaders in complex crop insurance programs. We work specifically with large farming operations to provide market leading risk solutions for large grain and cotton operations across Australia.

Our team can provide you with global market access to industry specific crop insurance underwriters who have an in-depth understanding of all broadacre farming operations.

Agripro Insurance Brokers have the expertise and industry knowledge to source and implement crop insurance programs with cover options for pre/post harvest and weather index cover for adverse weather conditions.  

At Agripro Insurance Brokers, we are the market leaders in complex crop insurance programs.

Crop Insurance Proposal (PDF)
Crop Insurance

Insurance Programs

  • Crop cover for events such as fire and hail
  • Weather Index based insurance for events such as;
    • Extreme temperatures
    • Rainfall
    • Frost
  • Pre Harvest & Post Harvest options
  • Marketing leading access to the major crop insurers
  • Policy excess options to assist with premium costs
  • Full market review report provided that includes quotes from major crop insurers
  • Policy additional benefits including;
    • Chemical overspray
    • Livestock intrusion
    • Transit cover for grain/baled hay -fire, impact, collision and overturning of vehicle
    • Harvested crops (grain) stored in a silo or enclosed building – fire & perils
    • Harvested crops (grain) stored in silo bags or temporary field bins – fire only
    • Baled hay from harvested crops – fire only
    • Claim mitigation expenses (Inc. costs of replanting)
    • Fire-fighting expenses
Our Crop
Insurance Partners

Our brokers can access more than 150 insurers across the globe to find your cover at the right price


Please get in touch to review your agricultural insurance requirements