Crop Insurance
Insurance Programs
- Crop cover for events such as fire and hail
- Weather Index based insurance for events such as;
- Extreme temperatures
- Rainfall
- Frost
- Pre Harvest & Post Harvest options
- Marketing leading access to the major crop insurers
- Policy excess options to assist with premium costs
- Full market review report provided that includes quotes from major crop insurers
- Policy additional benefits including;
- Chemical overspray
- Livestock intrusion
- Transit cover for grain/baled hay -fire, impact, collision and overturning of vehicle
- Harvested crops (grain) stored in a silo or enclosed building – fire & perils
- Harvested crops (grain) stored in silo bags or temporary field bins – fire only
- Baled hay from harvested crops – fire only
- Claim mitigation expenses (Inc. costs of replanting)
- Fire-fighting expenses