We provide a wide range of innovative agricultural insurance solutions.

Livestock insurance for feedlots, poultry, egg, pig and dairy farms


At Agripro Insurance Brokers, we are the industry leaders in complex livestock insurance programs. We work specifically with large farming operations to provide market leading risk solutions for feedlots, pig, poultry and egg farms.

Our team can provide you with global market access to industry specific underwriters and animal health consultants, who have an in-depth understanding of intensive farming operations.

Agripro Insurance Brokers have the expertise and industry knowledge to source and implement programs for high value sums insured and can provide policy coverage options to include cover for risks such as heat stress, illness, disease and business interruption insurance. 

At Agripro Insurance Brokers, we are the market leaders in complex livestock programs.


Insurance Programs

  • All Risks Mortality
  • Restricted Perils
  • Market of agreed value sums insured with consideration for:
    • Days on feed (DOF)
    • Live weight
    • Processor value
  • Business interruption cover with optional extensions for government quarantine shutdown due to disease outbreak
  • Policy extension options to include:
    • Heat stress to livestock
    • Electrical of mechanical breakdown of cooling, feed and water supply systems
    • Theft of livestock
  • Policy extension options to include livestock diseases such as:
Our Livestock
Insurance Partners

Our brokers can access more than 150 insurers across the globe to find your cover at the right price


Please get in touch to review your agricultural insurance requirements